Monday, September 20, 2010

Poetry - Aunt Jennifers Tigers

1. The rhythm of lines 5 and 6 mimic the sense of what is being described by the fact the second line of stanza number two has more vowels, making you have to slow down your speakingto go in synce with the needle being hard to pull.

2. Uncle's "massive weight" could be a point that Aunt Jennifer may be in a hard relationship with Uncle. Line 2 shows that maybe, she is in fact afraid of men, making her marriage difficult.

3. Uncle's mastery over aunt jennfier is complete because as in line 3, she fears him, and talks about when she dies her 'terrified hands' will lie. She is trying to show her hope and strength through the tiger on the canvas.

4. The point of view is in third person. It may be like this because it appears she is in a violent relationship, and my be afraid to speak out.

5. The different meaning of 'mastered' in line 10 could be uncle is very demanding, or the 'master' in the relationship.

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